These natural ingredients will help you eliminate the obsession with oil hair in this hot weather.
Hair oil is always a problem but it is especially popular in the summer. Hair oil is not something that affects the beauty of the woman but it makes you hard to make hair waves floating like mind, not to mention the hair is often oil, will cause you less confidence and uncomfortable. In hot weather, hair oil seems to be a phobia that every girl wants to get rid of as soon as possible.
Lemon used to be beautiful may not be strange. But lemon is used for beautiful Vietnamese hair, not all her know. Especially for the oil hair is suffering with sultry weather.
How to do: You can mix lemon juice into cool water and then use for shampoo. Remember to massage for 5-10 minutes on the scalp to reduce the amount of oil significantly. In case there is no lemon available, you can replace it with vinegar.
Apple Vinegar
Apple Vinegar cleanses the hair by removing excess oil on the scalp, dead cells and dirt on the Vietnam hair. If used regularly, apple cider vinegar will revive damaged hair and return you a soft, healthy hair.
How to do: Mix the apple vinegar and water with a ratio of 1: 1 soaked in wet hair, massage gently and incubate the hair with warm towel for 10 minutes then wash with water. It is much better to use a spray, because the mixture of apple cider vinegar and water will penetrate more hair. No need to use extra conditioner because just apple cider vinegar is your hair is very soft.
Baking Soda
With baking soda, the trouble with the hair oil will only be minor. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda to the shampoo and shampoo with this mixture. Mixtures are especially good for oily hair, as they have the ability to remove impurities, dirt and clean the scalp.
High alcohol content is one of the most effective ways to remove oil from your hair. You can clean your Vietnamese hair with diluted alcohol solution with lukewarm water, and then wash your head with oil or water to remove odor.
To do that you need two main ingredients: hazelnut oil and mouthwash. Flaxseed oil can be found at essential oils stores or pharmacies. These two types of ingredients are considered ideal to tighten your scalp. The mouthwash acts as a disinfectant and the seed oil is a great astringent.
Directions: Mix one tablespoon of hazelnut seed oil with one tablespoon of mouthwash. Then take a soft cotton towel to absorb the mixture. Then put the towel on the scalp to cover the entire scalp. Incubate hair for about 15 minutes, finally wash your Vietnam hair with warm water.
Rosemary tea
Rosemary is a herbal remedy that has been used for centuries. This herb is widely used in European countries but quite in Asia. Thanks to the stimulating blood circulation in the scalp, rosemary is used to stimulate hair growth, prevent silver hair from appearing early and control the oil level of the scalp.
How to do: Soak your rosemary tea bag in boiling water, let cool. After shampooing, use rosemary tea to rinse your hair.
Home remedies are also a good way to prevent and correct your Vietnamese hair condition.
How to do it simply by mixing 1 cup of shampoo that you still use daily with 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel. If you do not have aloe vera gel (also available in some supermarkets), you can get fresh aloe vera leaf, peel off the white part and rinse thoroughly. Mix the three ingredients mentioned above that you have aloe homemade shampoo to correct the Vietnamese hair oil.
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